

Travel Photography

Life is to short for compromises!

There is a quote from Karl Lagerfeld that stuck with me:

"What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that's gone forever, impossible to reproduce."

I'm not satisified with one single moment. I'm seaking to freeze an entire period wihin one image. A good example would be a sunset or sunrise. During a period of 1-2 hours there are several moments with their very special beauty. So why not bringing them all together by using tools like photoshop? The output looks a bit like a high dynamic range (HDR) image but it's actually more like a compressed time laps video.

"Life is to short for compromises!" This motto descripes my work since the very beginning, since over 20 years. I'm always aiming for the very best output. Especailly when I travel arround the globe, I'm preparing conscientious in advance and bring decent equipment. If this sounds interesting to you, check out my "how to" examples for more details.

About Me


I'm Sven, an aerospace engineer and travel photographer. Working for an airline group allows me to travel the world, always looking for the next photo spot. Besides this website, I share my photos and Instagram, 500px and Pinterest. Moreover, I'm explaining how I take and post-process my pictures and share some travel tips and tricks. Like to see more from me click here or visit my social media channels:

How to

A question I hear a lot is: "Are you editing your pictures?". Sometimes it feels a bit like an accusation, as editing is something forbidden or shady. The plain truth is, these kinds of pictures are not possible without substantial photoshop work. As I consider photography as art, my creative process just starts with taking pictures. For those of you who have a similar taste, I want to share some tips and tricks:


Explore the World

Are you dreaming of a certain destination and you love photography? I might have some tips for you. I always appreciate it if I can prepare for my trips, so I try to give something back. I will publish bit by bit to all my destinations a quick overview of:

  • Best spots I found
  • Which equipment I brought
  • Some of my favorite pictures
  • Sven's Scratch Map

    Countries Visited

    Planet surounded

    Photos taken


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